We have seen recently just how important law enforcement is to preserving the safety of our communities.
Unfortunately, there are elected officials playing dangerous politics with our public's safety by moving to 'Defund the Police'.
There's now a resolution before the Cook County Board of Commissioners which calls to 'Defund the Police'. This resolution will be moved for passage at the next Cook County Board Meeting on July 23.
We cannot allow reckless politicians to turn over our safe communities to the criminals and that's precisely what will happen by defunding the police.
Let Sean Morrison know you support safe communities and our brave law enforcement officers by signing our petition today.
We would also ask you to send an email to the other 16 commissioners and tell them you do not support Resolution 20-2867 and you do not support the 'Defund the Police' movement.
Commissioner Brandon Johnson, 1st District: brandon.johnson@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Dennis Deer, 2nd District: dennis.deer@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Bill Lowry, 3rd District: bill.lowry@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Stanley Moore, 4th District: stanley.moore2@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Deborah Sims, 5th District: deborah.sims@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Donna Miller, 6th District: donna.miller@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Alma Anaya, 7th District: alma.anaya@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Luis Arroyo, Jr., 8th District: luis.arroyojr@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Peter Silvestri, 9th District: cookcty9@aol.com
Commissioner Bridget Gainer, 10th District: district10@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner John Daley, 11th District: john.daley@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Bridget Degnen, 12th District: bridget.degnen@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Larry Suffredin, 13th District: lsuffredin@aol.com
Commissioner Scott Britton, 14th District: scott.britton@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Kevin Morrison, 15th District: kevin.morrison@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Frank Aguilar, 16th District: frank.aguilar@cookcountyil.gov
Commissioner Sean Morrison, 17th District: sean.morrison@cookcountyil.gov