Two new sites in the Forest Preserves of Cook County were granted increased protections by the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission for being high-quality or important habitats. Elizabeth Conkey Woods near Palos Heights was named an Illinois Nature Preserve, while Bergman Slough in Palos Park was named a Land and Water Reserve.Elizabeth Conkey Woods Nature Preserve—a 180-acre portion of Elizabeth Conkey Forest Preserve— features mesic woodland, mesic floodplain forest and sedge meadow. Numerous native and migrating birds have been spotted at the site, including woodpeckers, nuthatches, vireos, 19 species of warblers and northern waterthrush.Bergman Slough Land and Water Reserve has undergone restoration and prairie and savanna reconstruction efforts since 2001; the site now contains restored prairie, savanna and marsh habitat. Located next to Cap Sauers Holding Nature Preserve, Bergman Slough Land and Water Reserve provides good quality habitat for 21 wildlife species in greatest need of conservation, as well as protects headwaters of Sagawau Canyon Nature Preserve located northwest of the site.With the recognition of these two sites, the Forest Preserves of Cook County now manages 26 dedicated Illinois Nature Preserves and five Illinois Land and Water Reserves—the most of any local entity in the state.